Worried About Your Heart? Why Now's The Time To See Your Cardiologist

If you're feeling well and are generally in good health, you may not think that you need to see a cardiologist. Unfortunately, that might not be the case. Many people think that they don't need to see a cardiologist until they begin to experience problems with their heart. Unfortunately, that's not necessarily the case. Seeing a cardiologist before you suffer a heart attack or other heart-related medical problem can protect your heart and save your life. Here are just four of the reasons why you need to see a cardiologist. 

You Have a Close Relative With Heart Problems

You might not realize this, but your family history plays a big role in your own personal heart health. In fact, if you have a history of heart disease in your family, you're at an increased risk fo the same medical problems. The best way to control the situation and protect your heart is to begin seeing a cardiologist before you experience heart-related problems. Your cardiologist will work to determine your own risk levels and provide you with options to help you avoid those inherited health risks. 

Your Numbers Are Out of Control

If your last physical showed that your numbers are out of control — specifically your cholesterol and blood pressure — it's time to schedule an appointment with a cardiologist. High cholesterol and high blood pressure can both do considerable damage to your heart, especially if you don't get those numbers under control. 

You Have a History of Tobacco Use

If you have a history of tobacco use, now's the time to see a cardiologist — even if you quit smoking. If you're like many people, you think that your risk of heart problems ended once you quit smoking. Unfortunately, that's not the case. While your risk for heart problems may decrease once you quit smoking, the damage to your heart doesn't go away. To help keep your heart as healthy as possible once you quit smoking, you need to be seen by a cardiologist. 

You're Post-Menopausal

If you're post-menopausal and you haven't scheduled an appointment with a cardiologist, you need to do that as soon as possible. Your risk for heart disease increases dramatically after menopause. One reason for the increase is due to the decrease in hormone production — specifically, your production of estrogen. Your cardiologist will help ensure that you continue to have a healthy heart now that you're post-menopausal. 

Don't take chances with your heart. If any of the information provided above pertains to you, take the time to schedule an appointment with a cardiologist. If you have any more questions about your health or the health of your family members, contact a medical professional like Dr. Dahl in your area today.

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At the Center of it All: A Health Website

Health is such a complex matter. If you don't have your health, then everything else in life tends to fall apart. And yet, maintaining your health is such an intricate process. You need to eat right, get enough exercise, sleep well, and know when to see a doctor. There's always more to learn about health and about the medical treatments that keep us healthy. We're not doctors, but we are well-informed and happy to share our knowledge with you on this website. Whether you're passionate about alternative medicine, fitness, or physical therapy, you're sure to find our articles inspiring and informational.



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