4 Reasons Why You Should Insist on Cyberknife Treatment

If you have been diagnosed with a cancerous or non-cancerous tumor, your doctor might recommend surgery. The idea of surgery can be emotionally draining. You may start experiencing surgical anxiety characterized by chest pains, panic attacks, racing heart, and nausea. However, you don't need to worry, as advancements in technology have led to the invention of advanced forms of radiosurgery. One of these surgeries is Cyberknife treatment.

What is Cyberknife Treatment?

It is considered by physicians to be one of the most accurate and non-invasive forms of surgery for different types of tumors and other conditions. The procedure treats a wide range of conditions throughout your body, including in the brain, spine, prostate, liver, kidney, and pancreas. The treatment is more accurate than traditional surgical procedures and is often the most preferred for patients with surgically complex tumors.

Advantages of Cyberknife Treatment

Since Cyberknife treatment is robotic, it is considered one of the most significant medical innovations of the 21st century. Here are the four principal reasons why you should always insist on getting it:

1. High-Level Accuracy

Precision is vital during surgical procedures as a minor mistake might cause severe damages to the neighboring tissues. Cyberknife treatment applies advanced imaging and robotics to give the system unprecedented accuracy. The technology directs high dosage radiation to the target body part and limited radiation to the healthy tissues.

2. It's Painless

Even with euthanasia, most people still fear surgery-associated pain. However, you don't have to fear pain if you go for Cyberknife treatment. Since the procedure is non-invasive, you don't have to worry about an open surgery whereby a lot of blood is lost. Once the treatment is complete, you don't even need recovery time.

3. It is an Outpatient Procedure

Unlike other forms of surgery that require in-patient admission, Cyberknife treatment is offered on an outpatient basis. As noted in a recent study, the treatment takes between 30–90 minutes, based on the severity of the condition. You will only need to drop to a hospital, get the treatment, and drive yourself home since the recovery time is often immediate.

4. Better Health Outcomes

Since the procedure uses real-time X-rays, the lesion is accurately located and treated. Through specialized imaging, it is possible to verify the exact tumor location even before the radiation beams are delivered. Unlike open surgery, Cyberknife treatment is effective in treating even tumors that are located close to vital organs, mainly the brain, heart, and spinal cord. The surrounding healthy tissues are untouched, ensuring better health outcomes.

Cyberknife treatment is the best treatment option for different types of tumors. It delivers radiation to the target body parts with utmost accuracy and precision, significantly preventing post-treatment side effects. Feel free to ask your primary care provider about it.

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