The development of depression is a painful thing and a problem that may become devastating if a person develops suicidal ideation. And if that person does not respond well to other treatments, it may be time to think outside of the box. For example, ketamine therapy has shown some early promise with treating depression in those who do not respond well to other care methods.
Suicidal Depression Can Impact Anybody
Depression is a mental health problem that affects millions of people around the world every day. Unfortunately, many people with this depression may struggle to find relief from normal treatment methods. For example, anti-depressants don't always work for everybody and may even trigger a worsening of some symptoms. This problem includes triggering suicidal thoughts in some people that may be hard to manage.
Suicidal thoughts are often something that comes and goes in many people with depression. One day, a person may feel fine with life and the next feel suicidal beyond their control. Thoughts and feelings like these are often very hard to control and put a unique strain on the body. Some don't survive these thoughts when their ideation becomes reality. Therefore, some more experimental care options, such as ketamine therapy, may be necessary.
How Ketamine May Help
Several psychiatrists have been trying ketamine as an experimental treatment for those with severe depression that verges on suicidal. This treatment is not approved by the FDA but is allowed if used for more experimental purposes. The person taking the ketamine takes this risk into their own hands but some early results have found that those who do not react well to other depression medications may respond to ketamine.
Reports find that people with suicidal thoughts who take ketamine sometimes lose these thoughts and no longer have as intense of a depression as they did before they started taking ketamine. While more research must be done to check into the validity of these claims, the early results are promising and could cause more researchers and psychiatrists to take a look at this care option.
Before trying it, a person interested in ketamine therapy should talk to their doctor to see if they have any allergies or complications that could affect this treatment. Just as importantly, they must talk to a psychiatrist who is willing to use ketamine with them. Those who do provide it on an experimental basis will track a person's progress very carefully to minimize adverse reactions.
For more information about ketamine therapy and its uses, contact a professional.